Hello World!

I have never really thought of myself as the “blogging type.” I’m not even a very good writer. But all of a sudden I just thought it would be fun to share my favorite things with the world…so here it goes!

First of all, I love the outdoors. A lot. I could explore the woods behind my home for hours and still find excitement. With that being said, I am not a homebody. I LOVE traveling. I have a bucket list a mile long of places I wil go before I die. (We will definitely get into this more at a later date.)

I also love cars. I love learning about them, looking at them, but most of all driving them. I have a 2002 Subaru Legacy GT, candy apple red, and she is my baby. But I will have to look for a more reliable one by the end of this summer (sad face). Subaru is 100% my brand of choice but I also love Jeep Wranglers. 

I am studying to be an actuary. Yes I am a big math geek. I also like the accounting world. But school isn’t fun so I definitely won’t be talking much about that. 

Above all, I am a follower of Christ. I have a servant’s heart and I’m always looking for ways to serve Him. I am by no means perfect just because I am a Chrisitan. I make just as many mistakes as the next person but I can rejoice in the fact that my mistakes are redeemed in His name. 

Side note: I am an avid Grey’s Anatomy fan. So there’s that. 

Prepare yourself for this crazy ride. I am a curious, random college student who wants to share her favorite things with the world. So ready or not, here I come!

-your resident country chica